Holistic Health & Beauty

Are you feeling the holiday stress yet? I AM! Events, Parties and personal engagements will round out the next two months of FRENZY for me. So this is the time when I start calling my friend James Manley to start relieving some of this stress. My friend James, besides being an excellent waiter at LG's Steak House in Palm Springs, makes part of his living squeezing people's FEET. Besides OFFICIAL FEET SQUEEZER, his real title is Certified Reflexologist. James will meet you anywhere bringing along his comfy chair for you to lean back in. If you're still wondering "Is this for real?", email him at jimmanleyreflexology@yahoo.com or call him to set up an appointment so you can see for yourself how REALLY GOOD this feels!!!!  BTW, James says he's got a BUY 3, GET 1 FREE! Package.  Ask him about it!

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That's All for This Week's Desert Cities Cravings! See you next week!